FB-RSS Feed for Chavagnes International College (via Iggie Geraghty)

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Macbeth (Christmas Play) and Carol Service - dates and times

This year's Christmas play (not chosen for any special seasonal relevance!) is Shakespeare's Macbeth. Rehearsals began in September and it looks like it is going to be a landmark for Chavagnes drama so far. In previous years we have staged Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Twelfth Night, Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and a number of other ambitous plays, but this is certainly the most ambitious to date.

Performances: Sunday 13th December 2009 at 7pm
and Monday 14th December 2009 at 4.30pm.

Our Annual Advent Carol Service will take place at 8pm on Monday 14th.
For those who have reserved in advance, a light buffet supper will be available for those attending the production of Macbeth and wishing to stay on for the Carol Service.

In the week prior to the Carol Service, the choir will also be singing carols in a number of old peoples' homes, a local hospital and a prison.

Friday, 20 November 2009

All-night vigil for Chavagnes boys scouts

Tonight, 20th November, 2009, the first contingent of Chavagnes scouts make their promise. After a 14km walk this afternoon, they have pitched tent beside our little chapel of St Joseph, in the woods, where the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed all night for veneration. They will be taking turns in the chapel and will make their promise at dawn, like the knights of old. We'll post some photos when we have them.