In this year’s Intermediate Maths Challenge, aimed at the 13-16 age group, Paul de Guibert (13) achieved a Gold certificate and was invited to participate in the prestigious Pink Kangaroo Challenge, Benjamin Bellec (14) and David Mobbeerley attained silver cerrificates. Maximillian Micallef-Eynaud (13) achieved a bronze certificate.
The Intermediate Challenge is aimed at the top third of pupils in Year 11 or below in England and Wales, Year 12 or below in Northern Ireland and S4 or below in Scotland. The top 40% of students nationally receive a gold, silver or bronze certificate in the ratio 1:2:3 and each institution receives a Best in School certificate. Visit the official website for more information on the UK Intermediate Maths Challenge.
Meanwhile other pupils of all ages enthusiastically participated in World Maths Day on 3rd March against schools from around the globe. In WMD 2010 a total 1,133,246 students and 56,082 schools from 235 countries united to set a new world record by correctly answering 479,732,613 questions online. Chavagnes belongs to the international Mathletics project, which enables pupils to compete online at solving mathematical problems, challenging other young people from English-speaking schools all over the world.
Baroque evening
On 4th March the boys enjoyed an excursion to the local chateau of ‘La Chabotterie’ for an evening of baroque musique provided by Hugo Reyne (leader of the Symphonie du Marais) on the recorder and Yannick Varlet on the haprshichord.